Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nothing Without God (1 Nephi 20:1-8)

March 18, 2006

1 Nephi 20:1-8, quoting from Isaiah 48. You’re going to have to look this one up. It’s too long to type in.

The Lord tells Israel that although they have made covenants with Him, they do not rely on Him as they should. Although He’s led them from the beginning, given them signs, they do not rely on Him because they are proud and stubborn. They attribute His power, the works of His hands, to other sources, to idols.

Oh, how like that we are today. How like that I am. When good things happen, I’m too eager to take the credit myself, or I chock things up to luck, coincidence, fate.

In reality, every single good thing in my life comes because the Lord created it, orchestrated it, gifted me with it. Everything.

He gives me the power to breathe, to move, to think, to feel joy, to learn from my mistakes, to grow, to become more like Him.

I think I finally understand the concept of being nothing without God, less than the dust of the earth.

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